Revision Log

Manual Policy Revised On
Financial Services Manual 8.20 Invoicing and Accounts Receivable
Updated to improve definitions, reflect current procedures, and correct links. No change to policy.
Financial Services Manual 1.01 Guide to the Manual
Updated to provide information on the sources of University policy.
Property Management Manual 6.20 Sponsored Project Equipment
Update to policy bullet #2 and addition of new policy bullet #3 to provide added clarification.
Property Management Manual 5.30 Fabricated Equipment
Removal of references to object code 5750 and 5751 due to deactivation of object code and removal of references to per unit costs less than $5,000. Updated listed object codes 76XX/77XX to 7610-7730. No change in policy.
Property Management Manual 5.10 Deliverables to Sponsors
Removal of references to object code 5751 due to deactivation of object code and removal of references to per unit costs less than $5,000. No change to policy.
Purchasing Policies Manual 6.5 Printing Procurement
Updates to Procedures section to reflect new Purchasing protocol and points of contact. No change in policy.
Purchasing Policies Manual 4.5 Exceptions to Competitive Solicitations
Updated to reflect increase in informal bid limit from $10k to $25k that was effective in 2021.
Property Management Manual 1.10 Introduction to the Manual
Federal sources previously listed in all PMM policies EXCEPT 2.20, 3.30, 4.10, 6.10, 11.20, and 18.30 have been updated to the following: Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 45, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 52.245-1, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 245, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 1852.245, and Uniform Guidance, 2 C.F.R. § 200. No change in policy.
Financial Services Manual 9.11 Employee Recognition
Increase benchmark amount for reasonable costs for food and refreshments, including tax and tip, from $25 to $40 per person. Remove service minimum for retirement and farewell events and clarify requirements. Update taxation table to clarify and align with IRS requirements for length of service awards. Add new FAQ regarding reasonable cost for food and beverages.
Financial Services Manual 14.11 Travel Funding
Revised policy paragraph 7 to remove the in-state travel restriction for Travel Advances on state accounts.