Topical Index
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
Accounts Receivable, 8.20
Accountable Plan
Accreditation fees (Business Related Expenses), 9.10
Administrative Service Charge, 6.17
Ads recruiting, 9.10
Advances, Operational
Advances, Travel
Affiliated Organizations, 6.15
Agency Funds, Defined, 2.01
Aircraft charters, 9.10, 14.10
Allowable Expenditures, 9.10
Audit Management, 6.11
Auxiliary Enterprise Funds, 2.01, 18.10,
Bank Accounts, 8.10
Bank Card, Merchant (Bank Card/CreditCard) Acceptance - 8.14
Bank Deposits, 8.10
Budget, 7.01
Bus charters, 9.10
Business Meetings
Business Related Expenses, 9.10
Capital Reserve Accounts, 18.10
Cashiering, 8.10
Cash Receiving, 8.10
Catering, 9.10
Change Fund, 8.10
Clinical fellow, 13.00
Collecting Receipts, 8.10
College reimbursement fund, establishing, 9.10
Commissions & Royalties, 9.10
Communication Service Plans, 9.17
Conferences, 9.10, 14.10, 14.14, 14.16
Consultants (Independent Contractor), 9.12
Contact List, 1.03
Cost Accounting Guidelines, 18.10
Credit Card, Merchant (Bank Card/CreditCard) Acceptance - 8.14
Credits & Debits, 2.01
Current Operating Funds, 2.01
Daily Balance Sheet (Change Fund), 8.10
Debits & Credits, 2.01
Debt Management
Debt Service Funds, 2.01
Departmental Awards
Depreciation Usage Factors, 18.10
Designated Funds, 2.01
Development Fund, 8.33
Direct Deposit Log (Change Fund), 8.10
Dishonored Checks, 8.32
Double Entry Bookkeeping, 2.01
Drop Bag Depository, 8.10
Dues, 9.10
Duty Post - 14.70 Definitions
Employee awards, 9.10
Employer/Employee Relationship 9.12, 13.00
Employee recruiting expense, 9.10
Employee reimbursement, 9.10
Endowment and Investments Policy 8.13
Entertainers, 9.10, 9.12
ETA 750-Part A, 9.16, 9.55
ETA9035, 9.55
Exceptions to Travel Policy 14.10
Fellowships, 8.12
Fixed Travel Expenses, 14.10
Foreign Checks, 8.10
Foreign Expense Reimbursement, 14.16
Forms, see specific form
Foundation, 6.15
Food, see business entertainment, 9.10
Freight Invoices, 9.10
Funding Restrictions
I-20 A-B, 9.55
I-94, 9.16, 9.55
I-129, 9.55
I-797, 9.55
I-797C, 9.55
Independent Contractor, 9.12
Independent Contractor Form, 9.12
Insurance, state liability, 14.10
Internships, 8.12
Investment in Plant Funds, 2.01
Invoicing Arizona State Agencies, 8.10
Licensing & Trademarks, 6.15
Loan Funds, 2.01
Local/Designated funds, 2.01
Lodging Reimbursement
Meals/Lodging Cost Index, 14.71
Memorials, 8.12
Memberships, 9.10
Merchant (Bank Card/CreditCard) Acceptance - 8.14
Motor Pool Expenses, 9.10,
Moving expenses, 9.14
Named Fellowships, 8.12
Nonresident Aliens, 9.16
Nonoperating Funds, 2.01
Not Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks, 8.32
Object Codes
Operational Advance, 9.15
Other Restricted Funds, 2.01
Outside Professionals (Independent Contractor)
Payroll, 19.10
Per Diem Reimbursement, 14.13
Performance Arrangement, 9.12
Performance Contract, 9.12
Personal travel, 14.10
Petty Cash Funds, 9.19
Plant Funds, 2.01
Postage, 9.10
Postdoctoral fellows, 13.31
Private, Rental, and Chartered Aircraft, 14.15
Professional Consulting Services (Independent Contractor), 9.12
Professional Organization Dues, 9.10
Promissory Note, 9.15
Property Management Policies and Procedures Manual
Rate Calculation, 18.10, 18.41
Record of Operational Advance Expenditures, 9.15
Records Retention Schedule
Recruiting expense, 9.10
Refunds to Sponsors, 9.10
Reimbursements, 9.10
Relocation, 9.14
Renewal & replacement funds, 2.01
Requisitions/Reimbursements, 9.10
Responsible Person, 6.10
Restricted Funds, 2.01
Retention Schedule
Sales Tax, 8.11
Scholarships, 13.00
School related expense reimbursement, 13.00
Segregation of Duties (Payroll), 19.01
Selling to University Departments, 18.10
Separation of Duties, 8.10
Service Organization, 9.10
Social Security Number
Solicitation of Gifts, 8.12
Speakers/Lecturers, 9.12
Sponsored project Grant and contract accounts
- Defined, 2.01
- Funding Restrictions, 9.10, 9.14, 14.10
- Defined, 2.01
- Funding Restrictions, 9.10, 9.14, 14.10
Student Payments, 13.00
Student Scholarship
Subcodes, 2.01
Subject pay, 9.10
Subscriptions, new & renewal, 9.10
Support requirements, 9.10 or see specific transaction/form
Taxes, sales and use, 8.11
Taxes, Unrelated Business Income Tax 20.10
Telephone/Telegram Charges, travel reimbursement, 14.16
Temporary Office personnel charges, 9.10
Ticket Stock, 8.10
Transportation Regulations, 14.10
Travel, 14
Travel Advances, 14.11
Travel Authorization, 14.10
Travel Expense Report, 14.12
Unallowable Expenditures, 9.10
Unexpended Plant Funds, 2.01
University Development Fund, 8.33
Unrelated Business Income Tax 20.10
Wages, 13.00,