14.10 Travel Authorization

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Policy Information

Policy Number: 14.10Effective Date: 07/20/2012
Responsible Unit: Accounts PayableLast Revised Date: 5/28/2024
Email: FNSV-Accounts-Payable@arizona.eduPhone: 520-621-9097

Purpose and Summary

To provide guidelines for faculty, staff, students, and Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs) traveling on University business to ensure travel is appropriately authorized.

The University continues to encourage the use of alternatives for virtual meetings, such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Go to Meeting.

Note: This policy does not apply to independent contractors traveling on University business. Refer to policy 9.12 Independent Contractor Services.

Payments to or on behalf of a nonresident alien are governed by policy 9.16 Payments to Nonresident Aliens which contains detailed information about payments allowed and documentation required. Refer to this policy prior to making travel arrangements or initiating payment. For additional details on specific situations, please contact Tax Services.


Arizona Board of Regents 3-603 Guidelines for Out-of-State Travel
Arizona Department of Health
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
State of Arizona Revised Statutes
State of Arizona Travel Policy


This policy applies to all University locations and units, including all University extensions, satellite locations, and off-site campus units, both domestic and international.

On-campus travel is not within the scope of this policy unless travel exceeds 35 miles from the traveler’s duty post.


  1. Traveler: Individual traveling on University of Arizona business to include employees, students, and Designated Campus Colleagues.
  2. Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs): Individuals classified as Affiliates, Associates or volunteers traveling on behalf of the University as defined by Human Resources.
  3. Travel Authorization Form: Electronic form utilized for the collection of detailed travel information and serves as the official University record of the business trip regardless of funding source.
  4. Supervisor Approver: Traveler’s supervisor, manager, Principal Investigator, or other authorizing employee permitting the traveler to be away from their primary duty post.
  5. Funding Approver: The Fiscal Officer on the University account where travel will be funded. This individual will ensure there is sufficient budget and expenses are in accordance with the account purpose.
  6. Duty Post: The primary site where the traveler reports daily, such as workplace or campus location for conducting University business.
  7. International Travel Registry: A University centralized system for collecting international travel details to facilitate traveler safety. Individuals traveling to an international destination must register their itinerary and receive approval within the Travel Registry.
  8. Group Travel: Individuals traveling together on University business to the same location on the same dates, with no deviations from the group’s itinerary.
  9. Travel Advance: Funds issued to a traveler seven days in advance of the trip to ease the burden of out-of-pocket expenses while conducting University business. The amount is determined based on a budget assessment of the trip. See 14.11 Travel Funding for additional details.


  1. The Travel Authorization Request is required for University business exceeding 35 miles from the traveler’s primary duty post that requires overnight lodging or airfare. The authorization for travel status is required prior to departure for official University travel activities regardless of funding source.
  2. Representation at a conference, workshop or meeting out-of-state should be held to minimum attendance within an academic or administrative unit. Attendance of two or more individuals should be considered on a case-by-case basis and justified in writing within the department or college.
  3. University travel must be approved in accordance with the following principles:
    1. Traveler’s supervisor, manager, or the Principal investigator (PI) for sponsored project accounts approves the traveler to be away from their primary duty post.
    2. A Traveler may not approve their own travel. If the department head, director, or the PI will be traveling, their supervisor or delegate must approve.
    3. Funds are available and travel expenses are allowable on the account.
    4. Traveler can document official travel if required by Risk Management for state accident insurance coverage and state reporting requirements.
    5. Travel has a business purpose and supports the mission of the University.
    6. Travel is necessary and the most economical method of conducting official University business.
    7. Traveler must approve the Travel Authorization Request and determine if Travel Advance is required.
    8. If a privately owned vehicle is utilized for travel, the employee must have sufficient insurance coverage, a valid driver’s license, and a completed Personal Vehicle Use Form on file with Risk Management as a valid University driver.
    9. Personal travel included within a business trip must be documented and personal time must be approved when the trip is authorized.
  4. Insurance:
    1. Non-employees are responsible for obtaining their own health and accident insurance.
    2. Benefits eligible employees are covered with insurance under the Workers’ Compensation program through the State of Arizona.
    3. If the travel is out of the United States, the traveler needs to review Risk Management’s International Travel Insurance Program.
  5. Travel involving the following circumstances, regardless of funding source, must be documented on the Travel Authorization Form:
    1. Long term travel status (exceeds 30 days). See additional requirements for funding and meal reimbursement on long term travel status.
    2. Personal time taken in combination with business travel.
    3. Use of airfare other than coach/economy.
    4. Use of private, chartered or rented aircraft or rented motor vehicle.
    5. Vehicle taken out of state (whether private, rented, or state-owned).
    6. Lodging expenses more than established lodging meal reimbursements limits, which is not designated lodging as illustrated on a conference brochure.

Blanket Travel

  1. Fiscal Year Blanket Travel Authorizations are allowable and may be obtained for frequent in-state travel activities that meet the following requirements:
    1. Travel activities are consistent with the employee's job duties
    2. Business purpose is consistently the same for each travel event
    3. Location(s) of travel are clearly documented
    4. Annual review and renewal by June 30th

International Travel

  1. International travel must be in compliance with the University International Travel Safety and Compliance Policy.
  2. International Traveler or assigned delegate is required to complete the University International Travel Registry.

Group Travel

  1. Team, group, or field trip travel must be documented with an itinerary, list of attendees and a Travel Authorization Form including a primary delegate who is a responsible benefits eligible employee, such as a coach, faculty, staff, or advisor. The primary delegate for the travel may obtain a Travel Advance for the group activities or an Operational Advance if field work is required. If individual reimbursements will be issued, all parties must be documented on the group Travel Authorization Request.
  2. An individual Travel Authorization Request is required for each traveler in the group if there are any deviations from the group travel itinerary such as dates, location(s) or personal time.
  3. If the group travel involves non-University employees and an advance is required, refer to Policy 9.15 Operational Advances.


  1. Review the Travel System Training located in EDGE Learning for guidance on completing and electronically submitting the Travel Authorization Request.
  2. Blanket Travel Authorizations should follow the same procedure, indicating dates of travel for the full fiscal year (e.g., 07/01/2024 through 06/30/2025).
  3. Review the information provided on the Travel Authorization Request for accuracy and submit the final document for approval. 

Questions regarding Travel policy should be directed to Accounts Payable at 520-621-9097 or FNSV-Accounts-Payable@arizona.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is a Travel Authorization required for an in-state same day trip?
    No, Travelers who are required to travel in-state inclusive of their job duties such as site visits, fieldwork, and student recruitment are not required to complete a Travel Authorization. If an overnight stay or airline ticket are required, a Travel Authorization is required. Reimbursement may be submitted via a Travel Expense Report and reference single day trip.
  2. If the in-state travel requires an overnight stay and is frequent or impromptu depending on the department mission, can a blanket travel request be completed?
    Yes, A blanket travel authorization may be submitted in the Travel Authorization Request system for an annual period (July 1 - June 30) for in-state travel requiring overnight lodging that occurs on a regular basis.
  3. If a Traveler neglects to obtain approval prior to travel, can they still be reimbursed? 
    It is within the department’s discretion at the college/division level to deny reimbursement if the traveler is non-compliant with institutional policy.
  4. Can I view the Travel Authorization Request online after it is routed for approval? 
    Yes. If you are a delegate for the Traveler, you can act on behalf of the traveler to view status of the Travel Authorization. 
  5. Do I need to complete a new Travel Authorization Form if dates or minor changes have occurred after it was approved?
    The traveler or delegate can recall the Travel Authorization Request and make the appropriate changes and resubmit for approval. 
  6. Will a reminder be sent to the approver if they have not approved within 3 - 5 business days?
    Yes. The approvers will receive an email notification after five days indicating they have not approved the Travel Authorization Request. 
  7. Can I cancel a Travel Authorization Request when the travel has been cancelled? 
    Yes. The traveler or delegate may cancel the Travel Authorization Request at any time prior to the travel date. Please ensure all travel arrangements are cancelled to ensure no costs to the University. 
  8. Is VPN access required for users to approve a Travel Authorization Request?
    No. Approvers can approve via a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device without VPN access.
  9. Can an approver disapprove a Travel Authorization request?
    Yes. The approver is encouraged to have a conversation with the Traveler to discuss the travel and has the ability to return the Travel Authorization Request to the traveler with comments.  
  10. Is a copy of the Travel Authorization Form required to be included with the reimbursement?
    No. The traveler or delegate will need the Travel Request ID to reference on any reimbursements or to book travel via the University Travel booking tool
  11. If a Travel advance is requested, do I need to print the Travel Authorization Request and send to the Travel Office to process the Disbursement Voucher?
    No. The Disbursement Voucher is created by the department business office and must include the Travel Request ID number and routes to Accounts Payable for disbursement to the traveler seven days prior to departure.
  12. Can an employee be reimbursed travel mileage to travel to/from campus to pick up remote work essentials such as mail, office supplies, etc.?
    No. Travel to and from an employee's duty post are considered commuting to the workplace and remain an unallowable expense. Employee should consider in-person workday(s) to navigate work that cannot be performed remotely and maintain workplace protective measures.
  13. Is a Travel Authorization required to attend a virtual conference when expenses will be incurred for the conference fees?
    No, a Travel Authorization is not required since the employee is not traveling 35 miles from their duty post. A Travel Authorization number is not required to pay for or reimburse conference registration fees or other valid expenses. Departments are welcome to utilize the Travel Authorization form if it is beneficial for internal processes. If doing so, please indicate "virtual/expense tracking" in the exception box since there is no actual travel occurring.

Related Information

6.10 Account Management
14.11 Travel Funding
9.12 Independent Contractor Services
9.15 Operational Advances
9.16 Payments to Nonresident Aliens
Additional FAQs available on the Travel Website
Travel Authorization Online Tutorial

*Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions and Related Information are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.