Latest Revisions

Manual Policy Revised On
Property Management Manual 1.10 Introduction to the Manual
Federal sources previously listed in all PMM policies EXCEPT 2.20, 3.30, 4.10, 6.10, 11.20, and 18.30 have been updated to the following: Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 45, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 52.245-1, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 245, Government Property, 48 C.F.R. § 1852.245, and Uniform Guidance, 2 C.F.R. § 200. No change in policy.
Financial Services Manual 9.11 Employee Recognition
Increase benchmark amount for reasonable costs for food and refreshments, including tax and tip, from $25 to $40 per person. Remove service minimum for retirement and farewell events and clarify requirements. Update taxation table to clarify and align with IRS requirements for length of service awards. Add new FAQ regarding reasonable cost for food and beverages.
Financial Services Manual 14.11 Travel Funding
Revised policy paragraph 7 to remove the in-state travel restriction for Travel Advances on state accounts.
Financial Services Manual 14.71 Meals/Lodging Cost Index
Added link to revised meals/lodging reimbursement rates effective 1/9/2023, per updated State of Arizona Accounting Manual.
Financial Services Manual 14.15 Transportation
Updated references to revised mileage reimbursement rates, as well as modifications to airport parking reimbursements, per State of Arizona Accounting Manual, effective 1/9/2023.
Financial Services Manual 14.14 Lodging
Updated references to revised lodging rates per State of Arizona Accounting Manual, effective 1/9/2023. No change to policy.
Financial Services Manual 14.13 Meal Reimbursement
Updated Meal Reimbursement rates effective 1/9/2023 per changes to State of Arizona Accounting Manual.
Financial Services Manual 6.16 Component Unit Affiliates
Condensed FSM 6.15 and 6.16 into one policy and aligned policy statements with ABOR Policy 1-125 Oversight of University Relationships with Component Unit Affiliates (issued November 2021).
Property Management Manual 11.30 Off Campus Use and Location
Updated and reformatted to follow the standard policy template, improve definitions and procedures, and include frequently asked questions and related information. Added specific timeframe for reporting and updating changes to asset location as recommended in recent audit.
Property Management Manual 11.20 Inter-departmental Sales
Updated and reformatted to follow the standard policy template, improve definitions and procedures, and include frequently asked questions and related information. Added specific timeframe for reporting and updating changes to asset location as recommended in recent audit.