14.11 Travel Funding

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Policy Information

Policy Number: 14.11Effective Date: 10/20/2017
Responsible Unit: Accounts PayableLast Revised Date: 02/14/2023
Email: FNSV-Accounts-Payable@arizona.eduPhone: 520-621-9097

Purpose and Summary

To provide policy and procedure guidance for business travel funded with University of Arizona monies for employees, students, Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs) and vendors.


This policy applies to all University locations and units, including all University extensions, satellite locations, and off-site campus units, both domestic and international.


  1. PCard Travel Enhancement: A University benefits eligible employee may request restricted Merchant Category Codes (MCC) banking codes to be open on their individual or departmental PCard to purchase business travel expenses. Allowable expenses within this program are detailed below and do not include lodging, meals, or non-employee expenses.
  2. PCard Hotel Enhancement:  A University benefits-eligible employee may request restricted MCC banking codes to be open on their individual or departmental PCard to incur lodging expenses. This enhancement is detailed in the 14.14 Lodging Policy and includes room and tax only. Any additional charges, including but not limited to, room service, mini bar and in-room movies are unallowable business expenses. PCard Travel Enhancement is required for the PCard Hotel Enhancement.  
  3. PCard Training: A required training for employees to participate in the University PCard Program. The training must be completed prior to issuance of a PCard for making purchases on and individual or department PCard and is available in EDGE Learning.
  4. SUA (Single Use Account): A credit card issued to a specific vendor, for a specific dollar amount that is not reusable once fully charged. This program is ideal for invoice payments not allowed on the PCard such as foreign software, lodging for non-employees including interview candidates and prepaid lodging for employees that do not have a PCard.
  5. Non-Employee Travel: Individuals traveling on University business, not identified within UAccess Employee as a benefit-eligible employee. Such as Designated Campus Colleagues (DCC), vendors, speakers, students, or interview candidates.
  6. Travel Object codes: Appropriate travel expense codes 6140, 6240, and 6340 can only be used on authorized University employee travel except, when travel by non-employees is on a grant, and requires that the travel object codes be utilized.


Funding Non-Employee Travel

  1. Travel on behalf of foreign visitors is unallowable on the PCard, regardless of the PCard Travel Enhancement. Please see 9.16 Payments to Nonresident Aliens.
    1. Travel expenses for foreign visitors should be made via direct reimbursement or SUA Single Use Account credit card by utilizing the Disbursement Voucher or Requisition process for proper review of institutional tax obligations.
  2. The PCard Travel enhancement may be utilized for non-employee, US citizens for airfare or transportation expenditures with these conditions:
    1. Only the designated cardholder is allowed to make travel purchases.
    2. The department business office should review travel itineraries and maintain them within the Procurement Card (PCDO) in UAccess Financials as supporting documentation for the expenditure.
  3. Travel purchases made on behalf of a non-employee should be refundable only to the University PCard if utilized. Any unused, non-refundable ticket is considered the property of the University of Arizona and must be returned by the traveler.
  4. Only the business expenses related to the initial employment recruiting trip may be paid on the PCard and must be supported with the Human Resources Talent requisition number documented on the PCDO.

PCard Travel Enhancement

  1. The PCard Travel enhancement is available upon request by the PCard holder and department PCard Liaison. This travel enhancement does not include lodging, meals, or non-employee travel expenses.
  2. Allowable travel expenses include airfare, shuttles, trains, rideshare transportation, and rental vehicle and gasoline. (See 14.15 Transportation)

Travel Advances

  1. Travel Advances may only be issued to active University employees or current graduate students whose travel is funded with auxiliary, designated, gift, sponsored projects, or state accounts.  
  2. Travel Advance requests may not cover more than 100% of the total cost of the estimated trip less any prepaid expenses or expenses paid directly to a vendor.
  3. Travel Advance must be settled within 10 business days after the completion of the trip to comply with the 14.12 Accountable Plan. Travel Advances not settled within 30 days after the completion of the trip may be collected as a deduction from an employee's salary, wages, or future Travel Expense Reimbursement.
  4. If the traveler is a graduate student who defaults on repayment of a Travel Advance and the travel is funded by gift or designated account, the amount of the advance will be charged directly to the account. If the graduate student's travel is funded by a sponsored projects account, the Senior Vice President for Research & Innovation and the Graduate College will arrange a payback agreement with the appropriate dean/department head.
  5. If a Travel Advance is not settled and the University is unable to obtain reimbursement from the employee through payroll deduction because the traveler is no longer an employee, the amount of the advance will be considered reportable income to the traveler and reported on the employee’s W2.
  6. Travel Advances will not be issued under the following conditions:
    1. Traveler has an existing outstanding advance greater than 10 business days
    2. Traveler owes monies to the University
    3. For amounts less than $250

Funding Restrictions

Sponsored Projects Accounts

  1. Travel on sponsored project funds follow University travel policies unless the grant terms provide additional criteria. Visit the Research, Innovation & Impact for more information on sponsored projects regulations.
  2. International travel on sponsored project accounts is restricted by the terms of the contract, grant, or sponsor.

State Accounts

  1. Foreign travel on state accounts is limited to reasonable and business-related expenditures incurred for conducting business as approved for the state account in the budgetary process. For example, foreign travel to present a research paper would not be appropriate on a state instructional account but may be appropriate on a state research account.

Additional questions regarding University account restrictions please, contact your fund accountant.


  1. To obtain a PCard
    1. The prospective PCard cardholder is required to complete the PCard Training in EDGE Learning and notifies the PCard Liaison once completed.
    2. PCard Liaison requests a PCard by completing the New Cardholder Application and indicates if any enhancements are required.
  2. Adding a PCard Enhancement
    1. To initiate the PCard Hotel/Travel Enhancement on an existing PCard, the department PCard Liaison should complete the Workgroup or Account Change Request and obtain approvals for the enhancement.
    2. Upon receipt of the Workgroup or Account Change Request Form, Accounts Payable will add the travel MCC group on the individuals or departmental PCard to allow for travel-type purchases.
  3. Prepay for conference registration, lodging, or a travel agency
    1. Visit the SUA Single Use Account Program and initiate a Disbursement Voucher at least 10-days prior to the event to allow Accounts Payable processing time. Include the invoice, hotel reservation confirmation, and any additional supporting documentation along with the business purpose and route for approval.  
  4. To request a Travel Advance
    1. Review 14.10 Travel Authorization policy.
    2. The traveler should estimate the amount of the advance required and may use the Travel Expense Worksheet to calculate an estimate of travel expenses.
    3. Complete a Travel Authorization Form and route for approvals via the Adobe Sign process.
    4. Initiate a Disbursement Voucher in UAccess Financials in the amount of the Travel Advance required, utilizing Object Code 8315, reference the Travel Authorization number in the Org Doc Field, provide the business purpose and obtain departmental approvals.
    5. Business units have the option to utilize the Pre-Encumbrance document in UAccess Financials.
  5. To settle a Travel Advance, refer to 14.16 Preparing a Travel Expense Report.

Funding the Cost of Travel

The following pre-payment services are provided to minimize out-of-pocket expenses for employees on business travel. Prepaying employee expenses or direct payments to vendors for known travel expenses, such as conference registration fees, lodging (room and tax only), or airline tickets, may be processed prior to the trip as indicated below:

Conference Registration FeesRequisition
Attach the Conference Registration form to the Requisition and reference the Travel Authorization number along with the business purpose for attending the conference.
PCardPCard reconciler or cardholder codes the PCDO with object code 5520. Attach the paid conference registration receipt and references the Travel Authorization number along with the business purpose for attending the conference.
AirfareDisbursement Voucher
Utilizing a Travel Agency is allowable. Attach the invoice and reference the Travel Authorization number along with the business purpose on the Disbursement Voucher.
PCardPCard Travel Enhancement is required, and PCard reconciler codes transaction with the appropriate travel object code, references the Travel Authorization number and provides the business purpose and attach the full airline itinerary with the traveler’s name.
Lodging ExpensesDisbursement Voucher
Utilize the SUA Single Use Account Program to prepay for lodging expenses, attach the hotel confirmation and invoice/folio to include the room and tax amount, and reference the Travel Authorization number along with the business purpose.
PCardPCard Hotel Enhancement is required to allow for employee lodging (room and tax only) and reconciler codes transaction with appropriate object code, references the Travel Authorization number, provide the business purpose, and attach the hotel invoice/folio.
Other prepaid expensesDisbursement VoucherUtilize the SUA Single Use Account Program to prepay for conference registration or other expenses. Attach the invoice/receipts to the Notes/Attachment tab in UAccess Financials and reference the Travel Authorization number along with the business purpose on the Disbursement Voucher.

Policy 14.14 Lodging
9.10 General Expenditure Policy
PCard Training
Electronic Travel Authorization (Adobe Sign) Training
Misuse of University Assets
SUA Single Use Account Program

Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions and Related Information are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.