15.40 Security and Control of Theft Loss

15.40 Security and Control of Theft Loss

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To provide for the protection and security of University and sponsor owned capital equipment.


Powers and duties of the University President, ABOR Policy 3-801 and 3-802

Authority below applies ONLY to Federal Property (acquisition dollars or title):

  • 48 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 45
  • 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200 (“Uniform Guidance”) 

POLICY:  The University is responsible to have in place adequate safeguards to secure, protect and prevent the loss or theft of capital equipment.





  1. Establish and maintain practices, as follows, for securing and controlling theft losses of capital equipment.
  2. Seek advice and assistance from the University’s Police Department and Department of Risk Management.
  3. All capital equipment received by the department, including government and other sponsor titled items, shall promptly be recorded in the University Capital Asset Module (CAM) and marked with an A-tag. If the equipment is not suitable for affixing a property tag, the department shall maintain a log with sufficient information/photograph to permit identification.
  4. The University property tag number should also be engraved or added with a permanent paint or ink marker, if practical.
  5. Highly attractive, portable, but non-capital items, such as cameras, radios, televisions, computers, etc., should be marked or engraved to indicate ownership by the University of Arizona and the department.
  6. Special attention should be given to securing, protecting and controlling museum collections, antiquities, works of art, and easily portable, high value equipment ($50,000 or more).
  7. Secure capital equipment to floors or work surfaces where practical.
  8. Lock and secure all areas where capital equipment is located when employees are not present in the area.
  9. Complete all capital equipment inventories within the required time frame and verify that all capital equipment has a University property tag number.
  10. The accumulation of excess or non-repairable equipment is to be avoided. Equipment no longer in use or planned use should promptly be transferred to Surplus Property for disposal. If the equipment is government or other sponsor title, notify the Sponsored Projects Services Property Administrator to request property disposition instructions from the sponsor.
  11. Movement of capital equipment is to be documented and the Capital Asset Module (CAM) updated. The movement of equipment by non-recognized individual(s) should be reported immediately to the University Police Department.