4.10 Donating University Equipment

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To provide direction to University departments on the donation of University property.


Powers and duties of the University President, ABOR Policy 3-801 and 3-802


Donating University Property to Individuals and Non-Governmental Entities:

The Arizona Revised Statutes prohibit State agencies from giving away property; fair market value must be received in kind. In compliance with these Statutes, the University prohibits the donation of property to individuals and non-governmental entities.

Individuals desiring to donate items that belong to the University may purchase that property from Surplus Property at a public sale with their personal funds for that purpose.

Donating University Property to State of Arizona and Federal Governmental Entities:

It is possible to transfer University owned equipment to State of Arizona or federal agencies under special circumstances. These transfers require the approval of the Surplus Property Office and department dean.

Before such a transfer will be approved by Surplus Property, it must be offered to other University departments without any funds being returned to the relinquishing department. Once a department indicates equipment is to be transferred to another agency at no cost by filling out the Transfer Request (formerly known as Disposal Request) on the asset management software application, it is irreversible and the property cannot be withdrawn just because another University department desires to obtain those items. A letter of justification approved by the department dean as to why it is beneficial to the University to give away property rather than selling it at a public sale where we would receive the proceeds to purchase additional equipment must also be sent to Surplus Property.

Donation Through Purchase:

University funds cannot be used to purchase equipment or components for other than a State agency, (for example, UA Healthcare Network). If funds are used to purchase equipment that will be incorporated into non-university owned property, the entire piece of equipment must be titled to the University. The department who is purchasing the components must prepare a Gift Report indicating donation of the non-university owned property. If the non-state agency does not agree to donate the property, they must reimburse the University for the cost of the equipment or components.