Revision Log

Manual Policy Revised On
Financial Services Manual 9.21 Apparel
Updated Scope to remove exception for collegiate apparel for athletics. Revised FAQ #1 to accommodate Apparel for on-field staff at athletic events. Added new FAQs #3-7 to address common campus questions.
Financial Services Manual 9.13 Business Meals
Clarified policy for full day as six hours. Revised policy to permit purchase of an on-hand supply when there is a demonstrated regular practice of providing refreshments to external parties. Added new FAQs #8-16 to address common campus questions.
Financial Services Manual 9.11 Employee Recognition
Added new FAQs #13, #14, and #15 to address common campus questions. No change to policy.
Financial Services Manual 9.10 General Expenditure Policy
Update Unallowable Expenditures Table exceptions under Loans or advances to include advances under FSM 9.15 Operational Advances. No change to policy.
Financial Services Manual 9.01 Determining Purchasing Method
Added new FAQ 5 to address a common campus question.
Purchasing Policies Manual 3.2 Small Dollar Expenditures
Update links, definitions, and policy verbiage for consistency with the Financial Services Manual. No change to policy.
Purchasing Policies Manual 3.1 Purchase Order
Update links and add a definition for Requisition for consistency with the Financial Services Manual. No change to policy.
Purchasing Policies Manual 2.2 Purchase Requisition
Update links and add a definition for Requisition for consistency with the Financial Services Manual. No change to policy.
Financial Services Manual 9.21 Apparel
New policy to address the purchase of apparel, inventory requirements, and tax treatment. Procedures create new Object Code 5315 Safety Gear.
Financial Services Manual 9.13 Business Meals
New policy to address Business Meals, Food, and related expenses. Business Entertainment and Business Meetings were previously included in FSM 9.10. This policy combines Business Meals into a single definition and new Object Code 5175. Adopt new reasonable expense policy and dollar guidelines for light refreshments, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. New policy to restrict Business Meals to specific situations. Add maximum tipping percentage of 20% to policy.